Dr. Neil Vora

"For three years we have been getting the same wide-eyed looks at our beautifully designed office from patients and colleagues alike."

"For three years we have been getting the same wide-eyed looks at our beautifully designed office from patients and colleagues alike."

Marie was extremely well-prepared and seemed to know exactly what we needed, even before we did. We had free design offers from retail suppliers, but we felt there was much missing; our concerns were not addressed, and many details were simply glossed over by them.

We had heard many friends’ experiences with construction of dental offices, and it sounded awful. Our process was a breeze. Marie’s design was clear, and the contractors seemed able to implement them seamlessly. Her service was also exceptional during the construction phase, we rarely, if ever, had to wait more than an hour for an email reply, and never had difficulty getting her on the phone. Even now, 3 years later, we can email and she will reply immediately with the relevant information, which is so very helpful and appreciated.

Everyone is amazed with what she was able to do with the space, and we spent less than most of our friends who went with “free” design services. Seems improbable, but it’s true.

See the project